
When the heart is content you can listen to the same playlist for hours, walk over splintering cracks in the concrete of a familiar path and feel lighter. Not because you have new eyes for the way the trees have budded but because your heart isn’t hoping for something different.

May you find rest this weekend swinging in your worn out hammock, lying on the lumpy couch in the living room or running on the patch of grass growing dandelions between your house and the neighbors.

Life is a long journey when perspective is fleeting. Contentment may seem unfamiliar but is often hiding in the mundane routines we frequent.  Rest brings peace covering the heap of your worries. Reflection reminds you of what matters.

Happy Sabbath Friends!

Want to make rest a routine, not just something you fill in between the cracks of your busyness? Join the Sabbath Society. Find out more here. And join Sabbath-keepers in community with the hashtag #sabbathsociety on Twitter and Instagram and on our Pinterest board, Surrendering to Sabbath.


Links Informing Rest for Your Weekend:

Make Room for You. Your Story. For Rest by Bonnie Gray for (in)courage.

How to Find Your Rest by Deidra Riggs

Six Ways to Make Sabbath a Reality for Ministry Leaders my guest post at Velvet Ashes for their Sabbath theme this week. Read all the posts in the series, they are all insightful and inspiring.

Chicken Marbella – I know this is a recipe but you all, I cook one of Kristin’s recipes every single week and this one is de.lish.ous. And a sweet story comes with it too.

These 25 magical photos are worth every minute of scrolling. It will make your heart beat slower and put a smile on your face, I promise.

This song is on repeat in my brain this week. You’re welcome.
