
“Play and Sabbath are joined at the hip, and sometimes we rest best when we play hardest.” ~Mark Buchanan, The Rest of God

As you make your way toward Sabbath, think about the last time you allowed yourself to play with unapologetic usefulness. May you let go of the crutch of your to-do list, the mirage of measuring your self-worth through accomplishment and remember what it feels like to waste time for the sheer fun of it. Then see how it informs your rest.

Happy Sabbath Friends!

Want to make Sabbath a weekly rhythm and not just something you fit in to the cracks between busyness? Join the Sabbath Society, it all started here.


Some happy links that bring joy, laughter, and some ah-ha moments:

Watch this amazing bit of physics and math collide.

I love the way Glennon Melton of Momastery knows how not to take herself too seriously in Even Closer to Fine. This story wouldn’t be the same without the photos.

Sometimes you witness someone overcome adversity with such grace and beauty that you can’t help but be inspired by it.

If you haven’t seen this video captured by the wife of a man coming out of sedation, then you probably haven’t turned on your TV or opened your computer in a while. Just sayin’. Be ready to laugh out loud (you may not want to watch this at work).

Want something new to try in your slow cooker while you play on the weekend? Try this recipe; it’s what’s for supper on Sabbath at my house. Let me know if you try it in the comments.

And last but not least, this is the most heart-warming story I read all week. Let’s be gentle with one another, shall we?


