
On Tuesday morning, we meet new friends while holding plates of eggs, sausage, beans and tomatoes (toe-mah-toes) on our laps; sitting in an arc of practical chairs aligned with permanent furniture in the rectory. A wide circle of church staff make room for three Americans joining them for breakfast.

When stomachs are full and coffee cups refilled, each of us share short paragraphs about ourselves.

I utter the words Sabbath Society and curiosity piques. A husband and wife walk across the room during a break and she tells me part of her story.

She serves the church but she’s also a doctor. Not long ago, God nudged her to take a Wednesday Sabbath each week. And bravely change career paths to create art.

God asks us to do some irrational stuff when we take the time to listen.




Standing in the middle of the circle surrounded by several conversations, I nod and smile as she tells me how a Sabbath rhythm has transformed her life.

Like children who hold a secret yet divulge to an empathetic listener in moment of weakness, we both spill about the way a day of rest becomes protected treasure once we lean into it. And something we never want to live without.

It turns out they live in the flat beneath us in the same house. Isn’t God amazing? The way He brings kindred hearts together makes a hard heart swoon in surrender.


Later that evening, we accept an invitation to walk down the steps for a glass of red and sip conversation. H and I sit on their white couch under the warm glow of lights strung around lamp shades and shelves of books, candles flickering throughout. A Siamese cat zigzags between her crossed legs and his knees bent over an antique pew bench.

“Are you going to the women’s group tomorrow morning,” I ask her.

“No, tomorrow is Sabbath,” she reminds me.

And suddenly, I am envious.

Sacrificing valuable time in exchange for abiding in His presence — once you say yes to the gift of Sabbath, there is no looking back. Those once known as busy when asked, “How are you?” will tell you that in a heartbeat.

Is it hard for you to say no to worthy opportuniies? How can you take baby steps toward finding a rhythm of rest in your week? Have you ever thought about taking Sabbath on an unconventional day of the week?



Want to make rest a routine, not just something you fill in between the cracks of your busyness? Join the Sabbath Society. Follow Sabbath-keepers in community with the hashtag #sabbathsociety on Twitter and Instagram and our Pinterest board, Surrendering to Sabbath.