
We’re celebrating H’s birthday today, mindful of the ways his life blesses our family and others. We’ll light candles and listen to Katie Perry sing it like we can’t. When the sun lays down, melting sky scarlet and quince, rest is my anchor of assurance and hope my paddle toward peace. Sabbath reminds me when I drift off course that Jesus holds the map.

When you’re idealism dictates the compass swinging toward work, remember Sabbath isn’t about resting perfectly; it’s about resting in the One who is perfect.

Happy Sabbath Friends!

Want to make rest a routine, not just something you fill in between the cracks of your busyness? Join the Sabbath Society. Follow Sabbath-keepers in community with the hashtag #sabbathsociety on Twitter and Instagram and our Pinterest board, Surrendering to Sabbath.

Next week, I’m sharing my favorite books on Sabbath rest. I hope you’ll come back.