
We’re budding here at the beach. Bountiful with colorful cascades on the end of branches. But in the midst of the unveiling of hope, there lies a pile of leaf litter reminders.  In order to embrace the new season with gratitude, a wintering is in order. Suffering is the soil welcoming redemption.

May your Sabbath be a reminder of faithful promises, not the times you were passed over. A day of noticing the ways God loves you and releasing the measuring stick. Spring sings melody, awaiting your voice in the chorus. It’s time to put the past behind you and move forward in confidence.

Happy Sabbath Friends!

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Inspired Reads on Lent:

What I’m Learning About Choice and Gratitude From Not Skipping Songs on My iPod by Jennifer Fuwiler at Conversion Diary on Lent.

Waiting Tables, Day 20: Suffering and Redemption by MeganTietz at Sorta Crunchy for her Observing Lent with a Servant’s Heart Series (so glad one of my Facebook friends shared this.)