
I’m joining my friend Heather Kopp today.

I’m not sure how Heather and I actually found each other many months ago but I do have a vivid recollection of the day I received notification that she followed my blog. I was lying in bed after a middle of the day nap during Sabbath when I decided to check my emails. I said, “Oh my gosh,” out loud to H.

Honestly? I was new to the blogging world then and wasn’t even sure who Heather Kopp was, I just knew I loved her honest and generous spirit from interactions in the comments we exchanged on our blogs. Then I began noticing her name in places around the web and decided to check out her bio. Duh. That’s when I realized she was somebody. Somebody with accolades that include authoring more than two dozen books and writing for the Huffington Post.

As the child of an alcoholic, I am drawn to Heather’s writing that stems from twelve years of hiding an alcohol addiction while writing Christian books. She represents redemption and the beautiful imperfections of grace she found through healing.

Today, I’m honored to be Heather’s first person to guest post on her blog. Join me at Sober Boots, I’m excited to introduce you to my friend. Her latest title, Sober Mercies: How Love Caught Up With a Christian Drunk is one you’ll want to add to your reading list.