
I started noticing it over Christmas break, the way my true reflection returned during seasons of resting from routine. Riddled with guilt about what I didn’t accomplish on my to-do list, losing myself in the midst, I left that all behind to trust in Rest. Observe true Sabbath every week. And I invited you to join me.

Now we’re seventy-five in the sisterhood, the Surrendering to Sabbath Society. And it’s been so good. For twenty-four hours we leave dishes in the sink, park the vacuum, close the door on clean laundry crumpled in baskets beckoning for folding and choose rest.

We throw our heads back and laugh at the way life comes alive in letting go. Cry over the way it’s changing all of us.

Now instead of thanking God for Friday, we’re singing the song of Sabbath. The collective chorus of stillness and surrender; reveling in the surprise about the way it satiates our soul thirst. Holding out our hands to grasp yours, we would love for you to join us. Won’t you? Join us.

I just couldn’t resist linking with Lisa-Jo for Five Minute Friday on the prompt Rest today. We’re in our tenth week of Surrendering to Sabbath. What about you, do you observe Sabbath?