While chicken simmers in Thai sauce on the stove, I glance at the magnets holding past events on the side of the refrigerator. Winnie the Pooh holds my infant daughter, flushed cheeks, arms raised overhead, pacifier plugged. The longer I look at  her sprawled out on the aqua striped beach towel,  I can almost hear the waves rock her to sleep. The same waves we now call home.

After dinner, she stretches end to end on the couch, stats book over her lap and those carefree days  of childhood seem a distant shadow.

And sometimes in the midst of making dinner, deciding on new paint color, and picking out school supplies, He shows you the gift of breath on the side of your refrigerator.

As we enter Sabbath may our head be turned toward those things that make life sweet. Savor moments like a piece of butterscotch on your tongue while they remain yours. 

Happy Sunday Friends!

And linking with Fresh Brewed Sundays, Scripture & Snapshot