During the month of October, for 31 Days of Letting Go in the Deep End, I’ll be featuring the words of Sabbath Society Bloggers on weekend posts. I asked them to tell us what they have had to let go of in order to observe Sabbath as a routine, not just something they fit in to the cracks of their busyness.  Today, I’m thrilled to feature my friend and wonderful writer, Michelle DeRusha. Check out her post — When the Rules Are Meant to be Broken for more on her journey as a Sabbath -keeper and her 31 Day Series on an Authentic You.


The most surprising and unexpected gift of Sabbath-keeping has been that it offers the space for interruption.

Typically interruption of any kind – whether it’s my kids or my husband or the house – is the bane of my existence. As a Triple Type A, I like everything to roll along on schedule, and I don’t willingly embrace anything that might throw my day off track.

But Sundays are different. Sundays are all about the un-schedule, the interruption, the space to say yes. If my son asks me to toss a Frisbee with him in the back yard, I say yes. If I feel like stretching out on the hammock and reading for two hours, I say yes. If we want to drop everything and go hiking as a family in the park, I say yes.

Practicing the Sabbath has shown me that interruption isn’t always an inconvenience. On Sundays, interruption is a gift.

Want to make Sabbath a weekly rhythm and not just something you fit in to the cracks between busyness? Join the Sabbath Society, it all started here.
