
During my adolescent years, my mother worked for Trans World Airlines (TWA) in reservations. It was the era of wearing your best dress on board the airplane, not your pajamas. The era when children visited the cockpit, had awkward conversations with the pilots and received wing pins as a souvenir. I even remember getting a ColorForms set to pass the time from the stewardess who looked like a Miss America contestant.

I know revealing all this probably dates me. But I hope you’ll continue reading anyway.

Even though flights were discounted for us, my mother was a working single parent with little time or extra money for travel. Vacation for me meant car trips with my grandparents to places in the Midwest, like Silver Dollar City and Lake of the Ozarks. Before those places became the poster for tacky tourist clichés.

One year, my mother asked, “If you could pick anywhere, where would you like to take a summer vacation with me?”

I said Arizona.

She brought home pamphlets and brochures on Tucson and Phoenix.

We ended up going to Disneyland in California instead.

I don’t know why I said Arizona, except that saguaro’s and the barrenness of the desert seemed intriguing. So completely different than lying on a beach towel in the grass, slathered in baby oil, suffocated by humidity.

What I didn’t know when I said Arizona is that I would meet my husband there years later. That my kid’s birth certificates would say they were born in Phoenix.

God places destiny in our heart and often we can’t comprehend it. But God is faithful to lead us there, one day at a time.

As you enter the holiday weekend, may you embrace the unknowns beyond your carefully crafted plans. Revel in the knowledge that He designed the journey with you in mind; trust that He is leading you to destiny, one day at a time. Even when you don’t have all the answers.

Happy Sabbath Friends!