
After the tour of her new home in England; talking of books, spiritual seasons and all the things that make a girlfriend’s heart beat with longing, she says, “Let’s go out and get a coffee.”

Hanging my purse over my shoulder, trench coat draped over my forearm I ask, “Will I need to bring my camera along?”

“Definitely do,” she says emphatically.



And so it begins, this winding kindred journey down a country lane with a friend who truly knows me; where the bluebells carpet whisper underneath a verdant forest to those in a hurry. Shhh, pull off to the side of the road and linger. There is beauty waiting for you to behold, wonder to collect and remember.

Pulling to the side of the road she insists I capture the perfect shot as the motor idles. Slipping out of the passenger seat onto the wet pavement, I walk towards a muddy, mossy embankment. Narrowly averting a car swiftly passing, I climb to the top, lean into the wire fence and my scarf snags on the barbs, holding me steady.

What I do to capture beauty, I think to myself while carefully pulling the threads back and forth while chuckling. And then I continue snapping the living blue carpet.


As you press yourself into the weekend, may Sabbath be a beautiful benevolence; a kindred friendship with resting. Laugh at yourself and don’t take life too seriously. Life isn’t a rush but a sweetness to be savored.

Happy Sabbath Friends!

Want to make rest a routine, not just something you fill in between the cracks of your busyness? Join the Sabbath Society. Find out more here. And join Sabbath-keepers in community with the hashtag #sabbathsociety on Twitter and Instagram and on our Pinterest board, Surrendering to Sabbath.
