Inhaling the aromas of fresh paint mingling with unadulterated wood and carpet, I step inside the still, empty house and wait for the new homeowners to flick lights on in every room. A canvas of quiet green in the entryway welcomes when wall scones illuminate the darkness.
As five friends gather in the kitchen to bless the house, my mind becomes a filmstrip of memories freeze framing between fragments of conversation. I am in London but my mind is traveling back to a season of life in North Carolina.
“God’s promises always intersect with places. To remember is to return. To return is to remember. Rootlessness is a kind of forgetting. And home is the dwelling place of memory,” writes Christie Purifoy in Roots and Sky.
If our true home is in Christ, then what is it that He wants us to remember?
As we rest our words this week while pilgrims on A Sabbath Journey for Lent, I’m sharing a story at Grace Table about how God uses our five senses to speak to us of his enduring faithfulness. It seems being quick to listen and slow to speak allows us to return to our authentic self. Join me today at Grace Table?