the best things from the first week

by | Jan 4, 2014 | Sabbath, Uncategorized


It’s good when your husband sees joy in your countenance on the first week of the New Year and tells you he notices. Joy brims not from perfect circumstance but a heart at rest and peaceful. A daffodil blooming lemon yellow in the midst of leaf litter can give one hope if you’re expectant.

There is an inner peace that comes not from using a meaningless textbook, but from knowing the One who is meaning and makes everything useful.

As we step into the first Sabbath of the year, may the lines fall for you in pleasant places, highlighting the best in your week.

I’m sharing a few of my best things with you from the first week of the year. Share some of yours with me in the comments.

Happy Sabbath Friends!

The Best News on the First Day of the New Year

The Best Challenge I’ve Accepted

The Best Compliment I Received as A Writer

The Best Compliment I Received as a Blogger

The Best Word for my New Year

The Best Conversation on my Facebook page

The Best Book I Read

The Best Video I Watched

 Want to make Sabbath a weekly rhythm and not just something to fit into the cracks between busyness? Join the Sabbath Society, it all started here. This year, find the community on our Pinterest board and on Instagram and Twitter with the hashtag #sabbathsociety.


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  1. Anita_Mathias

    A richly deserved compliment, Shelly!

    • Shelly Miller

      Thank you Anita, appreciate all you do to create love and community online, its refreshing.

  2. Natalie

    Lines in pleasant places… What a blessed line from scripture. Thanks for sharing.

    • Shelly Miller

      This is one of my favorites Natalie, so happy it blessed you.

  3. Lynn D. Morrissey

    Wow, what a great start to a wonderful New Year. CAn it get any better than that, Shelly? And you’ve only just begun. Congrats on the wonderful attention to your blog!
    Happy NY and love,

    • Shelly Miller

      It’s getting better if you can believe it Lynn. Murielle just received a considerable academic scholarship to SCAD! Yay!

  4. Sharon O

    I don’t know how to show my ‘best’ blogs… I do blog pretty often. I pray it is a blessing to others.

    • Shelly Miller

      You are a blessing Sharon, this I know, don’t question it.

  5. Jody Ohlsen Collins

    Shelly, this ‘best of’ list made me smile in joy for you….however, I THINK the best conversation on your Facebook page was about saltine crackers…remember? 🙂

    • Shelly Miller

      Oh, that one was good wasn’t it? I love those random conversations through status updates. Who knew you could create community with a comment box?

  6. MsLorretty

    Oh the things I could learn from a girl like you…. and am learning. It’s so hard to stay focused and yet.. that’s where I’m happiest and at my best with Jesus. Thanks Shelley. And my word this year is the same as last year: yield. Yield with a twist. And the attention you’re receiving? It’s because you reflect Him.

    • Shelly Miller

      I’m sure we could learn from each other, you have much to give. I have trouble with focus at times too, it is a daily surrender for me. Thank you for the kindness you dished out so generously, I really do appreciate it very much.

  7. Mary Bonner

    You know, Shelly, I am ALWAYS blessed when I stop by here. Loved reading some of the “bests”

    • Shelly Miller

      Aw, that is a gift Mary. YOU are a blessing, just by being yourself. Thank you.

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