{Photo by Harrison Miller}
“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”
Matthew 11:28, The Message
In the quiet moments of dawn, before the chatter of anxious squirrels and the squall of tire tread, may you close your eyes, steal away to the hay beneath the manger, tuck yourself into the smell of new beginnings and linger there. Forget about last nights stemmed glasses in rows on your counter, stacked platters waiting for your attention. Rest is on the horizon, give yourself permission to lean into it, let go of what is needful and relax in His company.
Happy Sabbath Friends!
Want to make Sabbath a weekly rhythm and not just something to fit into the cracks between busyness? Join the Sabbath Society, it all started here.
Inspired reading for your weekend:
Our Family Sabbath Tradition by Jessiqua Wittman for Kindred Grace
More Love by Deidra Riggs for {In}courage
My friend Rebekah Gilbert is hosting a Spirit of Christmas Blog Series this month where I shared a guest post and Lisa Burgess won my giveaway. One my most prolific commenters, Lynn Morrisey shares her story, A Christmas Emptying. Go check it out and leave a non-blogger a comment, she’ll love it.
Just South of November by Kelli Woodford for Diane Bailey
Thanks for pointing me to Lynn’s piece - I had intended to get to it the other day, then didn’t. And I appreciate the mention of my words, too, Shel. Love you.
Oh so beautiful, the photos and the words. Merry Christmas Shelly!
Thank you Shelly! I think we all need to come. Thanks for this beautfil words.