Letting Go of Following the Crowd – Week 39

by | Oct 6, 2013 | Uncategorized

On weekend posts during the month of October, I’ll be featuring the words of Sabbath-keepers from the Sabbath Society on what it means for them to let go, in order to observe a day of rest. Today, I’d like to introduce you to Natalie Ogbourne. I’ve enjoyed getting to know Natalie this year through our emails. She blogs at Along This Road, stop by and say hello some time, I know she will appreciate it.


On a summer hike in the Tetons I discovered that I’ve stopped paying attention to where I’m going.

Someone else is usually driving or hiking in the lead, so I just follow along. The real problem is that I’ve been negligent on my life’s road, as well. I’ve just followed along. I’ve followed the crowd because I’ve assumed they knew where they were going. Maybe they did. It just wasn’t anywhere I wanted to go.

The fruit of following is bitter, offering nothing for body or soul. According to John Piper, “God appointed one day in seven to be ‘holy to The Lord.’ It is designed to provide a weekly meal of reverence for our shriveling souls.”

Soul shriveled, body worn, I craved the meal. I wanted more than respite, I wanted a rhythm of rest. 

To get it I’ve had to give up following someone else’s road, exchanging it for my own.

Finding my way back takes effort.

Navigating it takes attention.

Keeping it, though, brings me rest.


Happy Sabbath Friends!


Want to make Sabbath a weekly rhythm and not just something you fit in to the cracks between busyness? Join the Sabbath Society, it all started here.


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