Surrendering to Sabbath – Week 11

by | Mar 22, 2013 | Weekend


I’m starting to believe that the walls and interruptions of life are where Jesus anchors us, where He hides the surprise.  And I’m leaning on a few, catching my breath, and waiting.

Because I don’t want to hide the eggs first, plan for new birth and miss the wonder of resurrection.

Every moment is a gift, even when it’s disguised as an interruption.

As I walk these last days of Lent, I’m scaling the wall at a slant, stepping away from my normal schedule of posting. Praying I’ll see the world a bit larger when I come back. Because right now, it feels like a wool sweater that accidentally got mixed in with the pile of whites.

May your Palm Sunday mark a season of expectancy that fits just right. And enjoy your Sabbath.


Some favorites I read this week:

Delays, Disruptions, and History by Mark Buchanan

The Morning After by Kelli Woodford

What to Do When Your Story Scares You by Jeremy Statton at Prodigal Magazine

After Steubenville: 25 Things Our Sons Need to Know About Manhood by Ann Voskamp

Naked And . . . Well . . . Naked by Deidra Riggs

Elizabeth Gilbert: Your Elusive Creative Genius

And from a Sabbath sister Cheryl Smith:  It’s Time to Do Something About My Social Media Addiction 

If you would like to join me in studying Wonderstruck by Margaret Feinberg, I’m co-hosting a book club  with Duane Scott beginning April 3. We’re taking two chapters at a time, engaging in discussion on my Redemptions Beauty Book Club page and offering an opportunity for bloggers to link their posts on discovering the wonder of God.

Subscribe for Shelly’s stories and free resources here:


  1. kelli woodford

    kisses and hugs to your for linking me up!
    (you should have linked your own ravishing post at Emily’s, too. i would have.;) )

    • Lyli Dunbar

      Kelli: I loved your post, and I left a comment, but I think it must have gotten swallowed up into oblivion…

      • kelli woodford

        thanks, Lyli. you are kind. 🙂

  2. Lyli Dunbar

    I am praying that God will give me His eyes to see life’s interruptions with clearer eyes…. it’s so hard sometimes!

    Hope you have a wonderful week connecting with Him! 🙂

    • Shelly Miller

      Thanks Lyli, you too. And I hope you see those interruptions with new eyes.

  3. Jean Wise

    wow Shelly I love how you wrote about interruptions. That is something I will ponder, pray about and probably post. Thanks for your wisdom. Blessed Sabbath, dear friend

    • Shelly Miller

      I really didn’t plan to write on interruptions but its where God led me. I’m expecting to have a few. 🙂 Hope you enjoy your Sabbath Jean.

  4. Jillie

    Hi Shelly
    I too, have had a lot of ‘interruptions’ lately. But they have been for my good, I know that. Watching and waiting to see what He will do through them.
    Have a good rest time from blogging, even though I will miss you. And thank you for these wonderful links. Good reading!

    • Shelly Miller

      I’ll miss you too Jillie, but there is always email ya know. I’m still connecting there too.

  5. Nancy Ruegg

    Thank you for the reminder about the value of interruptions. What was that saying about “Nothing happens to us that hasn’t gone through the hands of God first?” That has to include interruptions, and I have to admit they bug me. Even the interruption of the timer irritates me–and I’m the one who set it! But you say: “Every moment is a gift, even when it’s disguised as an interruption.” What a perfect thought to improve my attitude. I need to write this on about six Post-Its around the house! Thank you, Shelly

    • Shelly Miller

      Well, they bug me too Nancy. You made me laugh about the post-it notes, maybe I should try that too!

  6. Megan Willome

    Thanks for your recommendations this week. I rarely read Ann Voskamp, and I wasn’t sure I’d wanted to (I’d avoided several RTs on this one). But I decided to trust YOU, and I’m glad I did. There was something there for me.

    • Shelly Miller

      Well, I’m honored that you trust my judgment Megan, what a compliment. You know, maybe its the rebel in me but I sometimes don’t read the things that are over shared either. In this case, I’m glad there was a takeaway for you.

  7. Michelle DeRusha

    One thing I am loving about the Sabbath practice is that it gives me the freedom to respond to interruptions. I am such a slave to the schedule and the routine ordinarily. But on Sundays, pretty much anything goes. Yesterday one of the boys suggested we head down to the natural history museum on the university campus. We’d been there plenty of times before, but I thought, hey, why not? Turned out, there was a gorgeous exhibit of gems and crystals – and noah is particularly into rocks and geology right now. The interruption in the routine led to an unexpected gift.

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