“What happens when we stop working and controlling nature?” Moishe Konigsberg responds. “When we don’t operate machines, or pick flowers, or pluck fish from the sea? . . . When we cease interfering in the world we are acknowledging that it is God’s world.” ~Lauren Winner, Mudhouse Sabbath
If you lived in my seaside town, you might occasionally see my mini van parked at odd angles on the side of the road. Spot me wandering around in tall weeds to capture the way the light is fingering through the broken window of an abandoned building or capturing early morning fog hovering like a mysterious traveler over the sea. Lost in the wonder of the way the same stretch of beach can be a chameleon canvas of creation.
I walked on sandy shores several days this week, read messages He carved for me in the sand and moaned in mourning over mounds of dead fish. And it all started on Sabbath, when I took the time to stop and listen and see.
And I’m wondering why it took me so long to get here, to observe a true Sabbath. Maybe that is why He says remember. “Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.” Because He knows how easy it will be to forget.
Want to join the Surrendering to Sabbath Society? We’re a sisterhood of 42 strong, encouraging one another to rest. It all started here.
For further Sabbath reading and a podcast on the web, check out these finds:
Monopoly is the Bane and My Sabbath is a Flop by Michelle DeRusha (and I’m not just posting it because she mentions me in the story, it’s honest and funny)
Sabbath Rest {YMCA of the Rockies} by Kristin Schell
Start Small, Start with Sabbath by Sarah Bessey at She Loves Magazine
The Importance of a Stop Day by Ben Tinker, CNN
Praying for Your Family: a podcast interview between James Dobson and Jack Hayford about Sabbath and prayer. What Hayford says in the interview about his father challenges me.
Wherever your weekend plans take you, may you find your sweet spot, that place of fulfillment that comes from knowing His love for you is an endless horizon and a shoreless sea.
Shelly, it’s amazing what we see when we stop, what we hear, when we’re silent. What really struck me about your biblical quote is not just the importance of rememberig the Sabbath, but keeping it holy. By setting it apart, by keeping it unto the Lord, we do indeed remember that it is holy. But oh that I may live holily as well !! That’s the key.
Your Sabbath sister,
So glad you are doing this with me. I’m astounded by the responses I’m receiving of how observing it, that simple act of obedience, is already starting the work of transformation in many. An answer to prayer.
Wow, Shelly, God gave me another “revelation,” with re: to Sabbath, but I’m going to sit w/ it awhile before the possibility of sharing, but I thank you again for the kind invitation to rest.
Shelly, if you have not read Marva Dawn’s, “Keeping the Sabbath Wholly: Ceasing, Resting, Embracing, Feasting” (1989), you may enjoy her insights as you begin this new practice.
Judy, I’m taking note of that book. It sounds familiar and maybe someone else mentioned it already but I’m going to look into it. Thank you.
Shellly, thank you for the links you provided to read about Sabbath from the perspective of different people. I realized immediately that I was headed for black and white thinking. The things I read nipped that in the bud. The gentleman who talked of the Sabbbath being a built in practice in his childhood reminded me of my childhood which was exactly as he described. Sundays stood out from any other day of the week with church, lunch, a long afternoon of play or watching ball on the black and white and then, in my case, back to church again. The memory led me to an understanding and that will guide me on this journey. Sundays were long, slow, purposeful in their adherence to rest and worship. YAY!!
Lark, I thought the same thing when I listened to Jack Hayford in the podcast. H actually went to Church on the Way when he went to college at USC. After we got married, we would nap after morning church and often watch his sermon in the late afternoon before dinner. It helped me to remember, like you, what our Sabbath used to be like. It blesses me knowing that those links helped transport you back to that time and season to remember. To God be the glory.
Your photos are gorgeous. {and thanks for the mention!} Love you, girl.
Thanks and I’m happy to share what you write Michelle. Always blessed by your words.
Shelly, thank you for including the Pastor Jack podcast. We’ve attended Foursquare churches all our married lives and have had the pleasure of meeting and hearing both Jack and brother Jim (who is retired now and shares at our church each year.) I had the privilege of knowing their mother Dolores for a time when we still lived in So Cal. Such a legacy-touching my life and lives of thousands of others.
Your ’round up’ of voices is powerful.
Jody, H went to Church on the Way when he went to USC. We used to watch his sermons on Sunday afternoons after we were married in Phoenix. Glad you enjoyed the round up of cumulative voices.
Shelly, how does one join this little movement? I’ve taken baby steps in this direction through a God appointed book “God in the Yard” by LL Barkat and would love to blog about the slowing down it’s forcing me to (in a good way). Are you doing regular link ups or??? (Forgive the dumb questions, you probably said all this previously.)
Thank you!
Observing the sabbath used to be a huge part of my life. The original title of my blog was “Sabbath Says.” The last year, it’s fallen off, but these last two weeks, I’ve tried with you, just a little. I realized how much I missed it.
I didn’t realize that Megan. Good to know . . .about your blog focus and that you are joining us. I’m honored to have you sojourning. Really. May God bless your rest.