When You Realize You’ve Become A Grown-Up

by | Jan 14, 2013 | Uncategorized


It was a question I couldn’t answer as much as I pondered it over a series of days, leading to weeks: “When did you first realize that you had become a grown-up?”.

Although I am one - a grown-up - the question posed in Real Simple Magazine’s Essay Contest two years ago proved to be harder to answer than I realized. Unfortunately, the answer came two years too late.

Join me for the rest of the story over at BibleDude.net where I’ve just become the content editor for Living the Story. It would make me smile to see you there in the comments on my inaugural post in my new role.

Subscribe for Shelly’s stories and free resources here: https://shellymillerwriter.com/free-resources/


  1. Lynn Morrissey

    Shelly, for some reason I can never seem to comment at Bible Dude, but just wanted to check in and say I appreciated this post. Trials certainly do bring out maturity as we lean hard on God. Again, I am so glad that your beloved daughter weathered this storm. No doubt it made both of you stronger.

    • Redemption's Beauty

      Appreciate that you popped over to read Lynn. Wish I knew why you can’t comment over there.

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