Nothing Personal, Really

by | Jan 5, 2013 | Saturday


Wreaths hang off the outdoor lamps as bookends to the garage doors. Pulled to the side by the wind, their backs face each other. Every time I back out, onto the driveway, it makes me laugh. And then I forget about their peculiarity after I pull back in. So they stay there in a stance of refusal. And perhaps, that is why I don’t fix them. They mimic my mood.

I’m having a hard time coming up with words while my thoughts spew like an open fire hydrant on a hot day. My replies to your comments are slow. And it’s nothing personal. It’s just that the wind of Christmas has inhaled a bit too long. I’m waiting for the exhale to push me into the New Year with veracity as the candle of Christmas wanes in my soul.

As we prepare for Epiphany this Sunday, I’m thinking about how the Magi saw the star, left familiarity and comfort to follow the Light, knowing it would lead them to the place of fulfillment. And I’m asking Him what I need to surrender in order to harness the future. Even if it feels uncomfortable.

Because everywhere I look, I can’t help but notice it, the way the Light hovers in halleluiahs. And my ability to capture it and present it to the world seems an insignificant shadow of the brilliance I behold.


May we all declare “Christus Mansionem Benedicat” over the lintel of our doorways on Epiphany – “Christ, bless this home” as we stand embraced on the door mat of hope.

For more reading about Epiphany and settling into the New Year, these posts blessed me this week, perhaps they will bless you too:

Becoming the Magi at Deeper Story by Kimberlee Conway Ireton (also love her book, The Circle of Seasons)

When You’re Not Sure What to Do Next by Holley Gerth



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  1. Sandra Heska King

    The winds have been blowing my good intentions for several weeks. Exhaling a quiet hallelujah…

    • Redemption's Beauty

      Yes, perhaps we’re a bit worn out by it all. Actually, I think I enjoyed the peace and rest so much I’m refusing inwardly to get back into the rat race.

  2. Celeste

    I really appreciate the words,” nothing personal”. You have connected with the thoughts and apologies running circles in my mind as I wind down from what seems a busy holiday time in between bouts of cold and flu….I have hardly stepped into the New Year and I already feel consumed by what I need to do, who I need to connect with. Sometimes girl, I wish we lived close by so that we could hug give each other a hug, step back and exhale then grab a coffee to gab a bit.
    I have been meaning to say how thankful I have been for your words and pictures. With the adoption reaching eight months, I have had days where I could barely study my Bible or have time to read anything but then your words come and reach me just where I am when I need a word.
    Thanks Shelly.

    • Redemption's Beauty

      CANNOT believe its already been eight months. My goodness, the time flies. And I’m so honored Celeste, in the midst of what you have going on that you took the time to leave a comment here. Blessed by you, really. And I wish we had that luxury too. To sit down and talk about life would be divine. Sending a hug and prayer over you for a good and prosperous year ahead.

  3. Gayle

    I can relax and exhale in your words carefully chosen and beautifully placed, expressing your soul. I love the links too!

  4. Sherri

    As always, I am blessed by your words, and thoughts, Shelley! Thanks for sharing them. And I hope this new year soon is as full of blessings for you and yours as the previous one was!

  5. Angie Webb

    Loved the post. Good job as usual. Keep writing and blessing others.

  6. marty

    Enjoyed reading your thoughts this morning and I am look forward to visiting the links you shared.

  7. Deidra Riggs

    Oh! You reminded me about the blessing on the doorpost! Thank you! Interesting how the wreaths speak one blessing on the doorposts of your garage, as you long for a different kind of blessing. Praying you, too, know the sweet benediction of Christ, as we enter the season of Ordinary Time…

  8. Sharon O

    Love the imagery with words, ‘stance of refusal’ reminds me of the little two’s who say ‘NO’…Oh and I love the ‘light hovers in the halleluiahs’ comment… SO visual. so good.

  9. simplystriving

    I’ve been reading your posts in my email, but haven’t been coming by to comment…nothing personal, either, friend!

    “Because everywhere I look, I can’t help but notice it, the way the Light hovers in hallelujahs.”

    amen. and I’m slowing down to look…

  10. Joanne Norton

    I’m a very “light”-oriented person. I circle that word… whether “light” or “Light” … in my Bible. It draws me to our dear Light Leader.

    Thanks and Bless you…

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