I present you with my first guest post. And who better to christen the welcome mat than my most faithful commenter Lynn D. Morrissey. If you’ve been around here long, you know the depth of wisdom and insight she adds to the conversations. That’s why I’m excited to give her book away to one lucky person. Just leave a comment here on the blog and I’ll draw a name from the collection on Friday.
“The fruit of letting go is birth.” —Meister Eckhart
I had been married for seventeen years when, for my fortieth birthday, God delivered a surprise present wrapped in pink: a precious baby daughter named Sheridan. She is a treasure I absolutely cherish, but one I initially struggled to receive.
I had never wanted to be a mother; the prospect frightened me to death. I was intimidated by the enormous responsibility of raising a child and by my many personal inadequacies. I knew nothing about children, and couldn’t relate to them. I had a morbid fear of dying in childbirth, which having a child at forty only exacerbated. I was petrified! Numerous things could go wrong with the baby or with me. The big picture overwhelmed me, and I felt trapped.
A well-meaning Christian friend suggested abortion, but her advice only increased my anguish. I knew that this child was God’s creation. I didn’t doubt His will, but wrestled intensely against accepting it.
But finally … I let go, acquiescing to God, as I penned this prayer:
“My body contains a secret seed, immortally conceived, mortally sown. Momentarily, I enfold creation. A fragment of eternity forms concentrically like a pearl. Oh God! Can I bear weight of priceless cargo? Can my broken vessel store treasure of such worth? Can my earthen jar contain a soul outlasting every star? Can I refuse? Can I uproot the hidden seed? Can I coerce the Potter to remold the brittle clay—remake my fragile vessel for some other use?”
“I can consent. I can surrender to Your engendering Spirit. I can open myself fully to Your infilling glory. I am willing to unveil the pearl at any price. I will become a chalice for my Maker’s grace.”
Then it happened: From the moment I first held Sheridan, God miraculously replaced my callous heart of stone with a mother’s heart of tenderness. “Father!” I cried. “Now that I see, touch, and talk to her, everything—absolutely everything is different! Oh, God, thank You, thank You for my beautiful baby.”
Yet despite how much I loved Sheridan, I didn’t gracefully surrender to motherhood. I rebelliously complained, questioning God’s wisdom and timing, especially about leaving my career. Though I adored my daughter and felt great responsibility in my new identity as her mother, I feared losing the only identity I had ever known, and sinking into deep depression in the isolation of my home. I couldn’t comprehend A. W. Tozer’s wisdom that “in the kingdom of God the surest way to lose something is to try to protect it, and the best way to keep it is to let it go”—that the fruit of letting go is birth and new life.
But the Lord was about to teach me this lesson by patiently prying loose my grip, as He guided me through the image of gently-falling autumn leaves. I watched as colorful leaves clung tenaciously to branches, struggling to hold on. Then, as if by some knowledge of God’s command, with each gust of wind, they simply let go. When they did, they began a graceful waltz, pirouetting with abandon in the breeze. At that moment God whispered, Lynn, let go! I immediately gave my employer notice, committing to whatever dance God was choreographing.
Times of depression, doubt, and loneliness ensued, but I knew that trees don’t sin by complaining. In seasons of barrenness, their leafless limbs raise in praise to their Maker. Freed of foliage, they have an unparalleled opportunity to hold stars, shining like jewels, in their branches. Stripped of my career, I chose to grasp life stars I’d been too blind to see, discovering a host of luminaries lighting my darkness like coruscating constellations of joy.
When God brought me home to raise Sheridan, He fulfilled my dream of becoming an author, which full-time work didn’t permit. He also unexpectedly transformed me through the influence of my little girl. She was my “midlife replacement therapy”—replacing my lethargy with her energy, my depression with her joy, my cynicism with her optimism, my jadedness with her innocence, my workaholism with her play.
When, like the autumn leaf, I let go—I entered the beauty of God’s dance, finally free to follow Him only—free to grasp my Partner’s hand and trust Him to lovingly lead me.
Lynn D. Morrissey possesses the rare ability to probe beneath the surface, striking the heart of a subject, while sharing transparently from her own heart. She is passionate about journaling, through which God healed her of suicidal depression, alcoholism, and guilt from an abortion. She empathizes greatly with those who endure pain. A poetic word stylist, Lynn sculpts beautiful language with her pen, and is the author of Love Letters to God: Deeper Intimacy through Written Prayer and other books, contributor to numerous bestsellers, a Certified Journal Facilitator (CJF) for her ministry, Heartsight Journaling, AWSA speaker, and professional soloist. She lives with her husband Michael and college-age daughter Sheridan in St. Louis, Missouri. Contact: words@brick.net
**Janice @ ClayGirlSings.wordpress.com won Lynn’s wonderful book. Contact me Janice at shelly@redemptionsbeauty.com with your mailing address. Congratulations!**
Don’t forget to leave a comment for a chance to win Lynn’s book. This is the ninth post in the series 31 Days of Letting Go. You can read the collective here. If you are a writer, I invite you to link up any post you’ve written on the theme of letting go in the comments here on Friday. Subscribe to receive the series in your inbox or feed by adding your address in the side bar under Follow Redemptions Beauty.
What a lovely guest post! I wouldn’t mind receiving her book to read more of her soul searching words. Thanks so much for the opportunity!
Thank you so much for your kind words. I greatly appreciat them. In my book, Love Letters to God, I write about how God has transformed my life through His gift of prayer-journaling. May He draw you closer in intimacy to Him as you offer your gift of words back to Him. We are blessed that you have come today, dear friend!
Shelly, thank you for hosting Lynn..!~ I’ve read her ‘talking’ with you in Comments and on Facebook and wondered who this dear, gifted friend was. What a story! Her book sounds like a drink of cool water….
Hello Jody Lee…I’m so glad that you have joined the conversation. I feel so very blessed to have discovered Shelly. It’s her words that have been a pure fountain of water for a thirsty soul. She offers daily such a refreshing stream of insights. I hope that you will continue to drink from her well of wisdom regularly, and I encourage you to pen your own thoughts at this site and in your journal. May God bless you.
What a great testimony:”When, like the autumn leaf, I let go—I entered the beauty of God’s dance, finally free to follow Him only—free to grasp my Partner’s hand and trust Him to lovingly lead me.”
Dolly, thank you for your sweet words…..and don’t you love autumn? I love nature, period, and find that God often speaks to me metaphorically through His glorious Creation. And as for my testimony, I give all the glory to God who (as Shelly’s blog theme testifies) has REDEEMED me from the pit, set my feet on His solid ground, and given me the song of salvation to sing. Glory! Bless you for being here today.
What beautiful words…so glad I stopped by. Can’t wait to get to know Lynn and read more of her story!
Thank you for your gracious comment, Shelly, and I join you in thanking Shelly Miller for her generosity for allowing me to share my story, whether in not curtailing my comments on her blog 🙂 (I CAN be wordy-oh my!), or in graciously inviting me today to tell part of my story. I encourage you to tell your story too-about the wonderful work God has done in your life. Bless you for commenting.
Lynn’s holy spirit comes through in all her writing and I’m so glad I’ve had the pleasure of listening to her share her stories. She is a wonder.
Mary, my! You are so gracious. THank you. I’m so very blessed by your words. I had to smile though….because I hardly think of myself as a wonder, but pretty much of a mess! Just ask my husband Michael! 🙂 But seriously, God has redeemed so many sins and so many pains in my life, (even after I was a baby Christian I had an abortion!) that I can only stand in awe that He has saved me and would use me. I do thank you, yet point you to Him who redeems messes like me. I’m so glad we’ve met here. God bless you, Mary!
What a wonderful analogy about letting go. Makes me look differently at my own life and the letting go of one phase of life while I am walking into the next. Thank you.
Hi Evie Jo, thank you for sharing, and I’m so glad that this “letting go” metaphor is something that resonates with your life right now. YOu are at an exciting time, because often God asks us to let go of one thing in order to make room for the next. I personally have never liked change…..but as I look back on my life, I realize that change doesn’t have to be a bad thing at all. As long as you are following your dancing Partner’s lead, He will walk you through this transition, step by step. Don’t be afraid to let go, because remember that He will NEVER let go of you! God bless you!
Thank you for sharing this with us. I have had the experience and pain of having to let go of my daughter and her choices. Like Lynn God saved me from the pitts of alcoholism. I continue to learn that He has a plan and it is perfect. When I look back over the years of my life, I can see God’s hand pulling all of my mistakes and bad choices together for good. He is an awesome God.
Oh Linda, bless you for your courage and transparency here. Oh how I relate! You give glory to God and He will bless you for it. I so understand the addiction of alcohol, and we could never have stopped drinking without the Lord’s enabling and grace. I am so very glad that that is behind you. And yes, sometimes we must let go of those we love most, in terms of letting them work things out for themselves with God. But I know you don’t let go your love for your daughter, and she is blessed to have you as her mother. Don’t we just bask and rejoice in the truth of Romans 8:28!! Bless you for sharing.
What a beautiful journey, Lynn! I love that Tozer quote too. That’s exactly how God seems to work in my life too. He waits for me to let go completely and to trust Him. For a recovering control freak this can be hard sometimes. Thank you for sharing this. Thank you, Shelly, for linking up today too.
Thank you Eileen for your wonderful comments here. You bless us, as you have pointed out something important which I believe, and which I didn’t mention by name (though by implication) in my essay. It’s when we let go, perhaps more than any other time, that we *demonstrate* our trust in God. Literally as I write this, you have helped me to realize a great truth. Maybe the very reason He bids us let go is so that we will show our trust and also learn to trust Him all the more. He does know what’s best, and HE is the one in control, and not we! When you think about it, there is NOTHING that we, ourselves, can control, which fosters our dependence upon Godl. I”m a perfectionist, a strong cousin to a control freak, so I’m glad to have met a sister here! 🙂 May we give the reins to the Lord, right, Eileen? God bless you!
Thanks for sharing this story.
Oh and I thank *you*, Glenda for dropping by! I know Shelly is equally blessed by your presence. I hope you will visit her beautiful blog corner often. God bless you!
Ah! Letting go……
Hi Kelly,
Ah……..freedom, right?! I can just hear you breathing a sigh of relief. That’s what letting go is all about……freedom and release in the Lord, fully abandoning ourselves to Him. And when He frees us, we are free indeed! Thank you so much for stopping by!
Look how beautiful the two of you are!
Oh Megan, when I read your words, my eyes welled with tears!! Sheridan is such a beautiful girl (inside and out). When I think that I could have taken her life in a time of deep depression, temptation, and fear…I thank God for sparing her. She was just as real inside me as she is now. I didn’t share my whole story here, but in my early twenties as a baby Christian, I took my first child’s life. God forgave my heinous sin, though it took 18 long years for me to forgive myself. I wonder who my other daughter (whom I’ve named SHannon) would have grown to be? I often wonder what *she* would have looked like, standing beside me with Sheridan? But how I rejoice that I will know that one day! Thank you for your simple words, which evoked a great depth of feeling.
Oh, Lynn. Thank you for sharing. Yes, one day, on the other side, your two daughters will get acquainted. I’ll have a daughter waiting for me, too, one I lost in an ectopic pregnancy. And she’ll meet the daughter I do know, now 13.
Oh I’m so sorry for your loss, Megan. There are no words …… Yet I rejoice that your heart knows this truth (this glorious, hope-filled truth!) that you and she will be reunited in a beautiful Mother-Daughter reunion. Shannon and I will join you! Related…..is that I am reading Randy Alcorn’s Heaven. I think this very biblically based book would really encourage you. You’ve encouraged me. THank you.
Lynn’s testimony and book have blessed me. I understand the difficulty of releasing the familiar and moving on to new experiences. Thank you, Lynn, for your transparency.
Susan, you were so sweet to have stopped by here today, friend. I know you have certainly endured some difficulties, but always with great courage and reliance on the Lord!! I thank Him for you. I do hope you will visit Shelly’s site often. You will be amazingly blessed by her beautiful writing and deep insights. Thank you again, dear one.
I, too, have had to let go. My marriage was about to dissolve whe my husband and I decided we WOULD stay together! Through gritted teeth we Would. I found that I was pregnant shortly after, and was holding our newborn son on our 19th wedding anniversary. Our children are now 23, 20,
14 and 6.
Presently, this blog is ministering to me as I let go of another foundational relationship, with my mother.
Thank you for writing!
Oh Tina! What a truly glorious story of redemption……..of knowing the truth that Meister Eckert notes, that the fruit of letting go is birth. And for you, dear one, it quite literally was! Oh what a wonderful story of joy…..in your entrusting your marriage to God and not letting go of your husband…..He blessed you with a renewed relationship and with the birth of a child. I will pray that God gives you grace in your relationship with your mother. I am so glad that you shared with us here. God bless you, Tina!
Thanks for reminding us of this excellent book! I was so blessed when I first read it and often go back to it. Lynn is a poetic writer, and it was wonderful to read her post on letting go.
Oh Kathi…….truly one of my most favorite authors and beloved friend. Thank you for dropping in and joining in this conversation. I know you understand it. Thank you for your constant encouragement and abiding love. I love you just about as much as Al loves the St. Louis Cardinals!! 🙂 Thank you dearest one!
I am so excited today to see Lynn’s guest post! A perfect match for your ‘Let Go’ series, Shelly. I have Lynn’s book, and I keep it beside my chair in the livingroom. It’s in the category of ‘books I DON’T lend out’, although, to win a copy would make a lovely gift for a friend. (Hint hint)
Lynn has become my online friend, since the day I emailed her to tell her how much her book has meant to me. I love to prayer-journal, and her book, to me, is the leading and foremost writing I’ve ever read on the subject of drawing near the Saviour through written word. Afterall, God Himself was a Writer through Spirit-filled, holy men of old.
Lynn…This is a glorious account of His amazing grace and blessing in your life. “There is no pit so deep,” said Corrie ten Boom, “that God is not deeper still.” To see your photo with your very lovely daughter, is a gift to me today. Now I can put a face to the daughter you write to me about. She’s beautiful…like her Mama. I am so blessed to call you my friend. Amazing, Spirit-filled writing today…as always. He has gifted you!
Oh Jillie, you bring me to tears. Bless you, precious one! When I read that Corrie quote, the lump swelled. I keep thinking of Psalm 40 today and how He pulled me from a slimy pit and set my feet on the Solid Rock-our Lord Jesus Christ. Praise Him! I could hardly believe it when an email from Canada was in my inbox, and that you had somehow discovered me. I know it could only have been GOD! How I thank Him for your continuous, unmitigated support and encouragement. And if in any small way I have encouraged your drawing nearer to God through *your* written words, then having written that book was worth every second. You are a treasure, and I thank God for you so often!! Thank you so much for your encouragement here. And wow! I’m so glad to have told you about Shelly! IIsn’t she simply amazing?!
Oh my, that is a fun tidbit of information Jillie. I wondered how you two met. And to have you both here at my place is true joy. I’m very blessed.
Shelly- Thanks for hosting this dear friend and inspiring woman. If anyone would like to read another one of her guest posts they can find it over at Nourishment for the Soul, under Thrilling Guests Thursday, dated Thursday, September 13, 2012. Her post is my most popular post to date 🙂
I have enjoyed being spurred on to join the journaling revolution and writing as a ministry, since meeting Lynni at a retreat many years ago. She graciously let me pick her brain about writing over lunch that weekend. I am ever grateful that our paths crossed again a few year back…it is great to have a fellow writer to cheer each other on.
Thank you Shelly for sharing your gift with the community. I enjoy and am challenged by your posts.
I will link this post to mine today, so more people can be blessed by “Redemption’s Beauty.”
Oh Kel, you are such an inspiration to me! I’m so glad that you recognized me at the LifeWay bookstore and re-introduced yourself (and didn’t tell my husband that I was buying MORE BOOKS!!!! 🙂 I am honored and humbled by all you have said, and I am thrilled that you have jumped in with both feet into the world of blogdom. You have much to share and do it so beautifully. I am especially thrllled that you have become a faithful follower of Shelly Miller, delighting in her world of beauty, lyricism, and wonder. She truly brings us to the throne of God nearly every single day (whenever she posts). She and her words are a blessing and delight. And thank you Kel for being here and for nourishing our souls. Love, Lynni
Love hearing this story, how you met Lynn and were inspired many years ago. What grace. So thankful to have you following this little place on the web.
Beauty in redemption. Always a theme here with you, Shelly. And one that has been so on my mind this week as I’ve been posting about another wonderful writer whose work always uses that theme. And thinking how one way or another, this is the gospel that the Lord is writing out in each of our lives. Then reading Lynn’s honest and open story here, so beautifully expressed, is yet another example of the Author in our lives… how He tenderizes, heals, leads us to His whispers and greater beauty than we imagined. And what more beautiful than a child. Lynn may your story be used in powerful ways to encourage any woman in the situation you share…and to find His love reaching out to them as He has to and through you. (Shelly, no need to include me in the giveaway because I’m about to get this book soon myself.) Thanks for the guest post! I can’t think of another one that would bless the theme of this blog as much.
Pam, how grateful I am to Shelly for providing nearly daily such a beautifully set table, where sisters in the Lord may come dine and fellowship, one with the other, with such deep satisfaction. It’s because I partook of such rich fare Shelly’s table of beautiful words and images that I met you, a fellow wordsinger. Thank you so much for all your beautiful insights at your blog and for you gracious words here. Thank you for mentioning Sheridan.. She really *is* God’s redemptive gift to me. She is tangible proof that when we let go our wills (and sin) to God, He intends to fill our arms with blessing. How grateful to God am I for this beautiful daughter. Bless you so much for sharing here so often. I love reading every word!
Yes… I try not to envy 🙂 but i do envy mothers their daughters. I can tell you and Sheridan are a deep gift to each other of His heart. Thank you for your beautiful words to me too.
Pam, your honesty is breathtaking. Thank you for sharing from that deep and tender heart-place. Perhaps on some level we all long for something we don’t have………….and then with that true and deeply felt and openly admitted acknowledgement, He brings the assurance that HE is all we will ultimately ever need. What is sad is when we are willing to let go something He intends generously to give to us as His blessing. It’s different for everyone. For me…….it was almost Sheridan. Oh, how glad I am that He awoke me to be able to let go rebellion and to receive His gift. Bless you for all your beautiful sharing, Pam. You are precious.
I agree Pam, with all you say here. Can’t think of a better one either.
I love and am so blessed by the wisdom that God puts on the heart of Lynn Morrissey to share with us ! She is such a blessing !
Hi Laura,
Thank you so much for your gracious words. I greatly appreciate your kindness. May God richly bless you as you look to Him for your comings and goings, receiving and letting go. May He give you beauty and freedom with every release and fill your heart with peace. Thank you so much for stopping by!
Yes, I agree. A blessing indeed.
Lynn & Shelly,
Thank you so much for the tender and poignant way in which you offer words as a healing balm. For exactly 20 years I cowered in the shadow of an abusive husband, my spirit crushed by venomous attacks and cutting criticism. Through a series of miraculous events, over the course of which I am still letting go of many things, God is delivering me and my four children into a future of tranquility and hope. The path is sometimes steep and not always blissful, but I am continually reminded that “He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young.” Isaiah 40:11 I’m blessed to have discovered your writings, though not by accident I’m quite sure. May the Shepherd Himself lead you into more quiet pastures.
Dear Mama Sheep…….what a sweet and gentle name for a lovely lady who is so obviously led and protected by *her* gentle and good Shepherd. I am so sorry for your pain through the years, and I can tell that Jesus has led you through the valley and walked beside you, but He has also gone before you to winnow your path and to remove ultimate, irreparable harm. His miracles and His mercies are new every morning, and you and your children are proof of that. Great is His faithfulness! The passage you quote from Isaiah had profound impact on me when Sheridan and I went on a music-missions trip to the Czech Republic. I was a chaperone, and God gave me that verse as a promise that He would “protect us who were leading the young.” There were two potentially dangerous incidents, but our gentle Shepherd never left us and we were fine. His rod and staff protected us. I am so glad that they continue to protect you. Bless you for sharing, Mama Sheep. (Sheridan calls me Mama, which I just love! 🙂
Mama Sheep, so grateful for your honest comment here and for how you bring glory to Him through your story.
Yeah!!! I have been out of town and am just catching on some blogs…and here you are…and than an email. I love watching you follow God as He gently woos you…and you taking little steps…all leading to this and I am sure so much more. I love seeing you and your dear daughter…sweet…
You already know that I have throughly enjoyed your book and someone here will be very blessed indeed.
I love all this:) blessings to you my friend…well done:)
Well, may I say YEAH, too?! Oh Ro, you are such a blessing to all who share their hearts and thoughts with you in the Lord’s blogdom. Surely such heartfelt, spirit to spirit conversations *are* a part of His kingdom on earth (or is that in cyperspace?!) :-). I loved the first time I read about your passion for journaling on your blog in your Journaling Journey prayer, and I knew that YOU knew how important it is to pour our hearts on paper to the Lord. Oh, I could “talk journaling” forever, because I know God uses this to change lives. And I am coming to see that He uses blogs, too, that honor Him like yours and Shelly’s. You both share so faithfully and openly. Thank you for helping us tune our hearts as you tune *your* heart to tell a better story. I’m hearing a perfect pitch in all you write. God bless you richly, Miss Ro, and thank you more than you know for your untold encouragement!
Lynn, its been a pleasure hosting you here today. And the way you’ve spread out the feast in your words around the table of comments, we will savor all that you’ve given us to eat. Your love and encouragement fills us full of all that is good in Him. Thank you my dear friend. I’m truly humbled.
Once again, I find God offering me a spark of hope through the journey of another. Thank you for sharing your story.
Hello! I think your name is Janice, but I’m not sure. I do know you like crazy cats and live in Columbia, Missouri. How’s that for sleuthing? If my story has sparked hope, then I’m so grateful and thank the God of all hope. I must tell you my Columbia story. I live 2 hours from you in St. Louis. When I was executive director of the USO here, Mother and I traveled to Columbia where I was speaking to a big veterans convention. I am so directionally challenged, that we rejoiced that I only had to get on one highway (70) to get there. We found our motel (somehow!) and never ventured out into your fair town for fear of getting lost (pitiful!) and after the talk got right back on that straight-shot highway and came back home! That was it! The sad truth is that I am no better even having a GPS. But we all have a God Positioning System, resident with our Holy Spirit. Isn’t he wonderful, Janice? Thanks for stopping by!
Lobed your writting today
Thank you, Lesley, for your sweet compliment. And I loved that you took the time to stop by. I hope that you will continue to do so, because you will find at Redemption’s Beauty a warm welcome by Shelly and the rich fare of her words on which to feast. Let me tell you: You’re in for a treat! May God bless you richly this day and always!
Dear Lynn,
I was very touched an moved by your beautiful words on your pregnancy doubts and fears. God has surely rewarded your decision to have, love and raise your lovely daughter. What a joy it is for you to be able to sing beautiful duets with Sheridan and know that she is so much like you - not only with her lovely voice, but also her caring and giving personality. You are blessed!
Sweet Fern, I am so blessed that you would stop here today and offer such gracious words to enourage Sheridan and me. For you to compare me to beautiful and compassionate Sheridan is the highest compliment you could pay. And oh! If we have sung any right notes, how indebted we are for your patience and beautiful playing!!! Thank you! Please let this not be the last time you visit Redemption’s Beauty. I cannot tell you how immeasurably blessed you will be by Shelly Miller’s gorgeous and deeply insightful writing. Being a musician, you will be so captured by the musical lyricism of her words. Mostly, though, she has such a heart for God and His women. You are truly in for a treat. Hope to see you personally, but in cyperspace often as well! You’re a gift, Fern!
Lynn, this is where I first discovered you (as I would see you laced through the comments) and I am thrilled to “meet you” more proper in the same place! (thank you, Shelly!!)
If there’s one thing parenting has taught me, it’s that we all need a Savior. Every single one of us. What would we do without grace…
My heart hurts to know what your heart has endured but it’s worth celebrating to see how far grace has brought you!
What Dolly quoted was my favorite part, too…I’m taking that with me. Thank you!
All for Him with hugs to you,
Well, Nikki, it is certainly my pleasure to be properly introduced to you as well. And yes, we can just thank Miss Shelly for that! You know you are so right and so wise. How often I have been flat on my face for my mothering…..and it’s not that Sheridan has been a difficult child. She is so precious. It’s just that I have so often felt ill-equipped for my role as her mother. But being a mother has actually taught me more of what a rebellious child I have been towards my heavenly Father. I am in awe of His patience towards me as His child. The suffering you talk about is what I have so often brought upon myself. And you are so sensitive in expressing your hurt towards me. Thank you. But truly….we stand in awe of a lavish and loving God who endures us and yet with great mercy, tenderness, and forgiveness. When we realize that, then our striving becomes simple, doesn’t it? THank you Nikki for expressing such grace today.
This website is a recent discovery for me, and each day that I’ve read the daily posts so far, it has inspired me in such a way that makes me realize we all have the same struggles, and remember that I am not alone. Sometimes that in itself is a great feat! Thanks for the beautiful metaphors you use in your writing, speaking of the falling leaves….perfect alliteration, very uplifting!!
Oh, so wonderful that you *have* discovered Redemption’s Beauty! Sherri, you are in for an absolute treat for the spirit and soul. Don’t you just love Shelly’s exquisite writing and deep thinking? Sometimes I can ponder it for days…..or just roll the words around on my tongue. They’re so sweet and lilting. I’m glad you are inspired, particularly for those common struggles with which we do grapple. The thing is if you and we can take away just one thought, one prayer, one bit of counsel or encouragement to help, we will go away so much richer than when we came. God is using Shelly mightily. You are most definitely not alone! And thank, you, too so much for your kind words about my writing. It is such a joy to share God’s grace in words.
Sherri, you comment blessed me in a deep way. Thank you and so glad to have you as part of the conversations here.
Shelly, what a delight it has been to have been invited to *your* banqueting table to help set out the china and offer some spiritual fare. You are a gracious, generous host, and I have been so privileged to have been included. Thank you! More than any food-morsels I may have offered is the rich-feasted conversation that takes place in your dining hall with your delightful guests. Daily, you create the ambience with the candescent candles of His Spirit, the gleaming-white tablecloth of His righteousness, the artful cutlery that probes beneath the surface, and the wondrous wine of His wisdom. You invite each woman to draw up her chair and take an honored seat at the table. She senses your warm welcome. Your blog is especially winsome, because you invite everyone’s comments and follow with yours, thus engaging us in real conversation. There is nothing one-sided in your banquet room. And that is the beauty of it: It’s a place of genuine Christian fellowship, where, through your words and ours, your *true* guest of honor, Jesus Christ Himself is revered. Shelly, please continue spreading and sharing the feast. What you do matters significantly. Surely, this is a foretaste of heaven. Thank you with all my heart!
I can not say enough good Lynn D. Morrissey. It is such a privilege to be gifted with her writing and wisdom. Always wishing her well.
Joanie, your words mean so much. Bless you for your ever loving support. You are such a gentle, beautiful, poetic soul, which is why I so wanted you to stop by and be introduced to Shelly’s blog. I hope that you will become a regular reader. You will be blessed beyond words! I love you dearest one! Love, Lynni
Lynn, beautiful words and beautiful pictures of such an important lesson in life. I’m sure that not only you and Sheridan are a gift to each other but that Michael is also a part of that gift to both of you and you to him. I’m a bit late in responding due to so many e-mails and dialogues elsewhere. I agree with all the above and believe that by blogging many will be blessed. It allows us to meet people who are same in spirit but far in distance Despite so many negative sides to the Internet, it also provides so many positive experiences and communications for others. Once again, we see the leaves cascading and dancing. For those of us in the autumn of life, may our cascades result in dances to God’s glory. And as we face the barrenness of winter, may our spirits raise up to God as the limbs and branches of the leafless trees continuing to recognize Him as our only true source of joy and purpose.
Helen Louise
Helen Louise, thank you so much for your time and wisdom here. THis is so eloquently stated, and you have so much wisdom to offer. Autumn of life…….. now there is a beautiful metaphor. And I love that you show us the importance of our words, and how blogging can be used for good. Surely, that is what Shelly does here every single day as she points her readers to God…..an in such a beautiful, heartfelt way. I hope you will become a regular reader. Bless you again for your own beauty.
Lynni thanks for sharing this beautiful post and the lovely photo of you and Sheridan. I always appreciate your vulnerability and authenticity. It encourages and strengthens me to do the same in my life.
Karen, I’m so grateful you dropped by, and thank you always for your encouragement. When I grow up, I want to be just like you! You have been such a mentor and example of who an author should be. You are my precious heartner.
Two months later I finally read this heart warming God-inspired post. Thank you for sharing how letting God be in control is not easy, but bountiful when we finally let go.
Thanks for commenting, Ang. I really love what you said-that God is bountiful when we let go. It’s one of those Christian paradoxes I was just mentioning to a friend. God’s world is topsy-turvy compared to what we think it should be. When we let go of what we try to control, He fills our life with the bounty of peace. So glad you stopped by to read and comment. May the Lord richly bless you!