Cease Striving

by | Oct 7, 2012 | Uncategorized

When we don’t operate machines, or pick flowers, or pluck fish from the sea? . . . When we cease interfering in the world we are acknowledging that it is God’s world. ~ Holy Days by Lis Harris as quoted by Lauren Winner, Mudhouse Sabbath.

May we remember that we keep the Sabbath, not so we are more productive next week, but because we are imitators of Christ. He rested. So we must rest.

Enjoy your Sabbath friends!

This is the seventh post in the series 31 Days of Letting Go. You can read the collective here. If you are a writer, I invite you to link up any post you’ve written on the theme of letting go in the comments here on Redemptions Beauty every Friday this month. Subscribe to receive the series in your inbox or feed by adding your address in the side bar under Follow Redemptions Beauty.

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  1. Lynn Morrissey

    Very serendipitous Shelly. Was literally just reading Ruth Haley Barton’s Sacred Rhythms: Arranging Our Lives for Spiritual Transformation, which includes a wonderful chapter called “Sabbath: Establishing Rhythms of Work and Rest.” I’d recommend it. Surely, Sabbath, besides worship, is about letting go.

    • Redemption's Beauty

      I have that book in my stack Lynn, you’ve just encouraged me to crack it open.

      • Lynn Morrissey

        I think you will enjoy it, Shelly. She’s a good writer and has wonderful ideas for drawing closer to God. I greatly related with her comments in this book and also the one on solitude, particularly since I had just come back from a women’s journaling retreat late last summer. I can’t tell you how close I felt to the Lord in the mountain foothills (if that’s what they’re called) in Denver. But it was far more than scenery. I was alone and silent in my room, and the retreat leaders really built in much personal free time and also literal times of silence (3 hours every afternoon) when we met as a group. I can’t begin to explain the peace I felt and how God spoke to me during these undistracted times. Anyway, Ruth gives you ideas along these lines. I hope you enjoy the book.

  2. Deidra Riggs

    I do! I recognize it! 🙂

  3. the Lord is so good, He provided us everything we need and even allow us to rest 🙂 thank you for reminding me to keep a good heart..blessed weekend on your side of the world, visiting your page always makes my soul feel at peace 🙂

    • Redemption's Beauty

      It’s such a wonderful thing to know that He joins us here across the miles. So glad you let me know you were here. Blessings to you.

  4. Patricia Hunter

    I’ve become a strong believer in sabbath rest. It begins, I think, with obedience, but that obedience always leads to peace and joy and an understanding that God’s ways are always best. Have a beautiful sabbath, Shelly. xox

    • Redemption's Beauty

      I wish I could say I keep the Sabbath every week, but I don’t. I know how much I want to in my heart and then the list of things to do overtakes my good intentions. I’m working toward it.

  5. Gayle

    Lovely…wishing you a day of rest also. May your spirit be renewed.

  6. Cindee Snider Re

    Resting in the beauty and simplicity of that image today, Shelly! Simply gazing in awe at the Creator of such beauty — exquisite and inimitable — grace that gently lifts us up and carries us on toward Home and life in HIs Presence — such beauty as we cannot even begin to imagine.

    • Redemption's Beauty

      Do you recognize that cross Cindee? Such peace in that place.

  7. Jillie

    Just last night I was reading in my ‘Daily Bread’ devotional an entry entitled, ‘Drop Your Hands’. Key verse? Psalm 46:10—“Be still, (Cease striving), and know that I am God”. This should become my mantra. Such peace and contentment comes when we just.let.go. And relax. And trust. And rest. Thank you, Shelly, for this extra reminder.

    • Redemption's Beauty

      Love those sacred echoes Jillie. Thanks for sharing that verse too.

  8. Sharon O

    I love this REST theme didn’t even know it was happening then after I posted my ‘own’ I began to read others and it became a theme. God is so good.

  9. Resting in His love…

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