Don’t Trip Over This One

by | Apr 22, 2012 | Uncategorized

Welcome to the living Stone, the source of life. The workmen took one look and threw it out; God set it in the place of honor. Present yourselves as building stones for the construction of a sanctuary vibrant with life, in which you’ll serve as holy priests offering Christ-approved lives up to God. The Scriptures provide precedent:

Look! I’m setting a stone in Zion,
a cornerstone in the place of honor.
Whoever trusts in this stone as a foundation
will never have cause to regret it.
To you who trust him, he’s a Stone to be proud of, but to those who refuse to trust him,

The stone the workmen threw out
is now the chief foundation stone.
For the untrusting it’s
.. . a stone to trip over,
a boulder blocking the way.
They trip and fall because they refuse to obey, just as predicted.

I Peter 2:4-8

I sit under the hum of refrigerator, gurlge of sink, creak of house exhaling and I thank God that he is not elusive, but a welcome distraction.  He takes the place of honor in the stillness. The craftsman of the sanctuary of imperfect chiseled stone seated at the table.

May we eat with Him together, wearing our finest trust.

Happy Sunday friends!


Also linking with Fresh Brewed Sunday and Scripture and Snapshot.

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  1. Court

    What a lovely sabbath reflection, loved the ‘he takes his place of honor in the stillness’

  2. mjbonner1021

    I love this…absolutely beautiful.

  3. Elizabeth

    Beautiful photo and lovely thoughts…

  4. Joanne Norton

    Oh, yes. The fridge and other noisy junky stretches make me thankful that HIS foundation, HIS beautiful, solid rock-oriented Home, will last forever. And He won’t need to be hollering for fixer-uppers. Blessings….

  5. bettyl

    Great post! I love your photo and verse.

  6. 3dLessons4Life

    “Present yourselves as building stones for the construction of a sanctuary vibrant with life..” — Love this wording. What a mantra as I head into the worship service this weekend! Thanks

  7. Sharon O

    He takes the place of honor in the stillness. YES be still and KNOW that I am God.

  8. Donna

    Great post. Perfect photo for the verse.

  9. kd sullivan

    Some of my most intimate times with God have been under those very same circumstances…the purr of the kitchen as a musical accompaniment.

  10. Joan

    Beautiful, Shelly. I love your comment, “he take his place of honor in the stillness.”

  11. Deidra Riggs

    This blesses my heart. And yes, I want to dress up today in my finest trust.

  12. Katie Lloyd

    This is a beautifully worded post, as usual! Thanks for getting me focused this morning!

  13. Maureen

    Wearing our finest trust as we eat with Him – amazing, beautiful reminder of worship today.

  14. Ruthie

    So beautiful!

  15. Barbie Hernandez Swihart

    “He takes the place of honor in the stillness. The craftsman of the sanctuary of imperfect chiseled stone seated at the table.” So beautiful today my friend!

  16. Shari @ Leaving A Legacy

    Thank you so much for stopping by Leaving A Legacy today. I am always in awe of your words. You have such a gift.

  17. Rona

    I love the photo. It puts a big smile on my face.
    What a blessing to wake up and welcome another day! Thank you Heavenly Father!
    Thank you.

  18. Cindee Snider Re

    “May we eat with Him together, wearing our finest trust.” Those words surprised me and stopped me. I read them again and then again. “…wearing our finest trust…” those are words I want to turn over in my heart and savor.

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