Because Life is a Wonderful Mystery

by | Feb 5, 2012 | Uncategorized

I assume to know how a person can awaken from slumber, turn off an alarm clock, fry an egg over flames, taste a warm cup of coffee, only to start over again the next day. What I don’t assume is that any of these things tell a man who he is.

Life is a mystery.

We are hidden in Christ.

May you see and taste and know a piece of the mystery today as you worship Him.

Praying on this Sabbath, that you will enter into His rest, enjoy some football, smile wide in the company of those you love.

Peace my friends.



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  1. Angie

    Life is a mystery - a beautiful and precious mystery that we so often take for granted. I’m trying hard to savor all God’s blessings, even those that don’t seem like blessings at the time 😉

    • Redemption's Beauty

      Angie, so nice to meet you. I left a comment over at your place and hope you feel better soon.

  2. Amen! God Bless you Shelley!

  3. wynnegraceappears

    Shelly, what glory and wonder in your photograph and in your words. I am daily blessed by your posts. Thank you for your obedience in writing them and for your beautiful spirit. He is blessing your writing mightily.

    I have started my blog and am still working out the kinks. Prayers appreciated.

    Elizabeth — see you in worship today

    • Redemption's Beauty

      Thank you Elizabeth, for your kind encouragement. I took a quick look around your new place and its taking shape! Let me know if you need any help along the way.

      • wynnegraceappears

        I do need your help!! Let me know if you seei any room in your schedule.

        We changed the look late last night. I like today’s look a lot better but I’d lbe to get with you.


  4. God is who defines a person, all people whether they accept Him or not. We are created in His image and the more we seek God the more we understand just who we are.

    Great message, thank you!

  5. Celeste A.

    Upon you as well this morning.

  6. I don’t have a problem looking at my children and remembering how wonderfully they are made. I do however forget that I am also made in His image. On those days when I feel I’m not enough this is a wonderful reminder that I am exactly how He made me…and He is well pleased.
    I hope you enjoy your day of football also! Stopping by from Sundays

  7. Barbie

    Oh I want to know this mystery! Thank you for linking up today.

  8. Maureen

    Isn’t it fascinating how some of us use the same verses? The Lord, speaking His words to us in ways unique to each of us. Awesome.
    Yes, my photo is our new grandson, three days old in the photo. What a delight! And, a reminder that each of us is created uniquely, the Lord’s thoughts toward us beyond comprehension. His works are wonderful.
    Love that font - kind of Greek looking.

    • Redemption's Beauty

      Yes, I notice sacred echoes among those that link up most Sundays.
      I look forward to having those precious grandkids some day, even though mine are barely teenagers.
      I know, I thought that font was cool too!

  9. Wow Angie your thougths just left me speechless - no - our everyday routines do not define who we are!

  10. Gayle

    What a lovely peaceful post. Wishing you a Sabbath rest as well. I’m enjoying blog hopping while hubby watches the game, visiting from Jumping Tandem.

  11. Joanne Norton

    So grateful to be “hidden”.

  12. Speechless!!! Was just talking to my husband about this verse! Thank you for the blessing today!

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