Postcards From Beyond, The Most Beautiful

by | Jan 20, 2012 | Five Minute Friday

 It happens almost every time I close my eyes to talk to Him. I see beauty with vivid details.

Intricate woodwork, ancient stone . . . .

the bark of a tree, sway of a wheat field in afternoon sun, a flower standing tall among thistles . . . 

drip of water off an oar, the ripple of water from a gentle breeze.

 Like a filmstrip of beauty reeling through my mind, He shows me beauty, takes me on a field trip to places I have never seen before.

Sometimes I see microscopic,

sometimes panoramic,

all reveal a message of truth.

And when I close my eyes, pray for someone else, I share what I see like giving away a post card from an adventurous trip I take to Somewhereville. I know my words pale in comparison to where the mind sees vivid.

Oh how I wish I could hook myself up to a movie screen and share all that glory. Glory that exhales the cares of life.

And sometimes those places He takes me reveal what lies buried in the heart under wounds and sometimes they give hint to future joy and sometimes they are vivid grace without revelation. Just beauty revealed because He loves me, knows how my heart beats to the tempo of beauty.

So today, when I close my eyes, the light falls in a kaleidoscope of droplets hindering the view behind. But its okay, I like to linger there in that light for a while. I know He will make the view vivid when its time.

Does God reveal Himself to you in vivid detail? Close your eyes to see.

No one’s ever seen or heard anything like this, Never so much as imagined anything quite like it—    What God has arranged for those who love him.  But you’ve seen and heard it because God by his Spirit has brought it all out into the open before you.

~I Corinthians 2:9 The Message

Linking today with Lisa-Jo over at the Gypsy Mama with the one word prompt: Vivid! Check out all the other bloggers and their take on that word today.


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  1. Amy @ Little Adventures

    Absolutely breathtaking! 🙂 Beautiful words and photos! thank you for sharing!

    • Redemption's Beauty

      Aww, thanks Amy! Appreciate your taking the time to say so.

  2. ShoutLaughLove

    your photos are stunning. oh, to live by the water!

    • Redemption's Beauty

      Yes, I am spoiled with an infinite canvas to take photos surrounded by water. Walking has become an encounter of seeing beauty. Thanks!

  3. Denise J. Hughes

    Thank you for putting together this thoughtful trip ~ through beauty, His creation ~ and bringing us back to Him, and the way He shows His care. I especially love the microscopic view and then the panoramic view afterwards. That was powerful.

    • Redemption's Beauty

      Thanks Denise. They are pictures from all over, the beach here in Pawleys Island, a creek in the country, a tree in England, a flower in my yard. Each one came to my mind as I thought about this post. Blessings to you.

  4. simplystriving

    “Does God reveal Himself to you in vivid detail? Close your eyes to see.”
    loved this. thank you!

    • Redemption's Beauty

      At least that is my experience! So glad to visit with you here.

  5. Kaitlin Evans

    I really like how you included both “man-made” structures and nature-based ones.

    Sometimes we forget that if God made US, God made the beauty in the things that WE make.


    • Redemption's Beauty

      Kaitlin that is so true and really, I didn’t think of it that way until you said it. That is why we are the body of Christ, each part doing and seeing things differently to inspire one another on. The things he shows me in my mind are both man made and natural but thanks for the insight today.

  6. Lisa-Jo @thegypsymama

    Oh gorgeous!! LOVE how the images tied into this post and helped us see all the more vividly!

    • Redemption's Beauty

      Oh thanks Lisa-Jo, just love writing on Fridays now and always look foward to the word you will give us!

  7. Stefanie Brown

    Beautiful, beautiful words and shots. You’re masterful at making us feel the moment you describe. Thanks a God-given gift, my friend!

    • Redemption's Beauty

      Thanks Stefanie. Your encouragement always touches my heart.

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