Leaving an Imprint

by | Nov 30, 2011 | Uncategorized

While my husband goes off to meet with important people, I walk the streets of London with my camera. And really, there is more beauty here than I can take in. Tall spires keeping their watchful eye over the crowds below, stone buildings that collect stories of centuries, rod iron gates that stand at attention, protect what lies beyond.

My cell phone isn’t working, email isn’t sending, and my usual comfort zone of communication vanishes.  It is just me, learning to be comfortable with me.  Because sometimes in the doing of life, we push the sacredness of being down so far we forget who we are.

This window of time is a gift. When do we have a window of time to choose?  Choose what we do without another voice or opinion to influence.  I use it to get binocular vision.

See the girl with the doe eyes staring out the giant window in the café, a woman reading a book in a delivery truck, disheveled souls with pink puffy cheeks and sunken eyes loiter the lawn of a church.  Teenage girls sit on a sidewalk in a huddle of laughter, a young boy climbs out of the taxi with his father who drives. Kids enjoying an unplanned school holiday because of a public workers strike.

Then I notice this patch of pavement, imprinted with leaves that fall from trees.  A collage of beauty embedded like paint on the road by the traffic that passes over. I bend over to look close because it seems strange that they stick here and not in other places. Then it makes me wonder.

As Christ followers, how do we stand out from the rest of the world? What is the imprint of God on me? On you?

I want to leave behind a monument of faith, a lasting impression, a marker of God’s faithfulness for my children like those ancient buildings that stand the test of time.  What about you?

The real question is how do we do that?

Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. ~Proverbs 31:30

Linking with Ann and  Emily , Winsome Wednesdays , God-bumps & God-Incidences


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    • Redemption's Beauty

      Not surprised Roseann, I hear your heart being for this every day!

  1. kelly

    I would love to chat with you some time about that strange feeling when you find yourself alone in an adventure, used to always being with kids.. or someone who needs you. It is strange to “find yourself” again in that situation, isn’t it. I hope you enjoy being with yourself in that wonderful place!

    • Redemption's Beauty

      Yes, very weird but good feeling Kelly. It is a different kind of tug of war of the heart because when our kids are small it is obvious where they need us. Not so obvious when they get older because they don’t always tell us when they need us. I am enjoying having more time to cultivate what has been on hold for awhile.

  2. kd sullivan

    I pray that this trip leaves a lasting impression on your heart, so that when you look in the mirror you look more like Him.

    • Redemption's Beauty

      What a lovely prayer. I’ll take that one!

  3. brian miller

    that is so cool…love your pictures…and i like where you took that impression at the end…the quiet time alone becoming comfortable with yourself is what struck me most though…i like that…

    • Redemption's Beauty

      Brian, sitting alone in a restaurant and writing on a napkin made me think about this being comfortable with who we are when no one is around. It is easy to hide behind our kids or whatever needs our attention. Always appreciate your thoughtful comments.

  4. susanpiasecki

    visiting from Ann’s. . .lovely thoughts. . .thank you. . .leaf prints are beautiful

    • Redemption's Beauty

      I almost got myself hit by a car standing in the middle of the street to see if what I saw was real or painted! What an amazing sight that was today.

  5. happygirl

    Gorgeous images. You have a wonderful eye. I want God’s imprints all over me. I think this can only happen if I saturate myself in him.

    • Redemption's Beauty

      Thanks for the compliment. Give me a day in a new place with my camera and I’ll take that any time over shopping! I agree with what you said, I do think saturating ourselves is a key.

  6. Brandee

    What a gift, always, when technology fails us and we have to entertain ourselves “old school.” Visiting from GDJD, today. I enjoyed living vicariously through you; I’ve been in my log cabin, in my pjs, all day. 🙂

    • Redemption's Beauty

      You made me laugh. Your being in a log cabin in pj’s all day sounds wonderful! Blessings and thanks for joining in the conversation.

  7. Sarah Elizabeth

    Thank you for sharing! This really spoke to my heart: “It is just me, learning to be comfortable with me. Because sometimes in the doing of life, we push the sacredness of being down so far we forget who we are.” I’m struggling to learn how to be comfortable with me, and learning all the while how to live in that sacred way, that sacred place. Again, thank you. This post blesses my heart greatly!

    • Redemption's Beauty

      It seems like it should be easier than it is, doesn’t it? Thanks for joinging in on the conversation. Love what you have shared here.

  8. Tara

    beautiful images…it always startles me in the best way when I find myself, alone with “myself”. Lovely.

    • Redemption's Beauty

      Yes, I realize how dependent I am on other voices and how I need to listen to my own more.

  9. janaecharlotte

    I love how you capture life with your lens, how you meander down trails of thought.

    • Redemption's Beauty

      Thanks Janae, always a pleasure to connect with you!

  10. LuAnn

    Ancient London on a clear day, the doe eyes behind the glass, the leaves pressed in the pavement-beautiful, haunting, mystery. Thank you. I’ve been moving since early morning when the quiet ceased with the first child up. Your words and your pictures transport me to London with you. I’m challenged, stirred and refreshed.

    • Redemption's Beauty

      Lu, wish we could come here together some time. It would be divine to take all this in with you too!

  11. Paula

    Your eye is amazing and I continue to be amazed….OMG….as the kids say. Your vision coupled with your insight is truly insightful. As Jim continues to say you ARE a good writer; but what I enjoy most is the window to your soul that you are revealing to all of us through not only your words but your photography!!!
    Love you!

    • Redemption's Beauty

      Hope to share more photos as time allows me to upload. I walked for two hours and took hundreds. So much beauty here! One of my favorite books is called Window to the Soul, thanks for that analogy.

  12. Raining Silence

    Oh what a lovely story you have penned. I need to learn to embrace the quiet, being mindful of the whispers that He sends my ways. This has been convicting.

    • Redemption's Beauty

      It is a challenge for us all, this finding time to abide in the midst of the every day. I just happened to have this gift of time in London, the real struggle comes when I am doing life at home.

  13. Jennifer@GDWJ


    You make the prettiest pictures — with words and with camera. You live life with eyes wide open, seeing beauty in the most unexpected, ordinary places. And I’m so delighted you’ve chosen to share your gifts with our new little community over at Getting Down With Jesus.

    Just. Lovely.

    • Redemption's Beauty

      Jennifer, its a privilege to join you! My favorite quote from my favorite movie Sabrina:”I’ve been taking pictures before I ever had a camera.” Think that sums it up for me. Thanks for your encouragement!

  14. Deidra

    That woman looking through the window? I just couldn’t get past her. I wonder what stories she has to tell…

    (You have an amazing gift. YOU are an amazing gift!)

    • Redemption's Beauty

      I know Deidra, I felt that way when I saw her staring out the window. It was tricky to get the picture because she looked at me a few times before I took it and I didn’t want to be too intrusive. She was sitting across from a man on his cell phone and I was making up all kinds of stories in my mind about her! Thanks for your sweet words of encouragement. They mean a lot coming from you!

  15. Lauren

    Beautifully written! First time visiting, I found you through Thought Provoking Thursday. These poignant words and photos have really spoken to me. I definitely want to leave a Christ-imprint in this world! Not for my sake, but for the glory of God.

    • Redemption's Beauty

      Lauren, so lovely to meet you. Yes, I too want to leave an imprint of Christ wherever He places me. It makes my heart happy knowing this post spoke to you. That trip was so amazing for me in so many ways. Always His words, all is grace. Thank you.

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