There’s Nothing Like the First Time

by | Aug 13, 2011 | Uncategorized

Welcome to my new blog site: Redemptions Beauty. Whether you were a follower of my previous blog, just curious or clicked unintentionally, I am so glad you are here.

I decided to launch this new site on the week of my birthday because it feels appropriate to celebrate with you. As I share about God’s kindness and redemptive work in my life, I hope the stories you find here will cause you to think differently about your own life.

For the past eight years, my birthday occurred on vacation at our family cottage in Ontario, Canada. The celebrations became predictable. The smell of wild blueberry pie bubbling in the oven, playing all day in the lake with my family, reading a book nestled in a hammock tied between tall pines, an evening meal at a favorite lakeside restaurant. On a clear night, star gazing before bed.

This year is different. I am blurry-eyed as my husband leans over me in bed and whispers “happy birthday” while holding his brief case, smelling so good. After he leaves for work, the house still quiet, I grab a few moments before the children stir with a cup of tea and my bible, nestled under the sheets. We took our vacation earlier this summer. Being at home on this day is a first in eight years for me.

Really, it is just one of many firsts experienced this summer. This stepping into the new produces fresh awareness of God’s presence and beauty:

  • My child driving my car brings a new reliance on God’s grace and conviction that I drive over the speed limit way too often.
  • Hearing my teenage daughter say, “you were right and I am sorry” without provocation reveals the work of God in her heart and reminds me that most of raising children is about trusting in God, not my ability as a parent.
  • Resigning from a job I love in order to fulfill God’s call on my life brings a heightened state of awareness of his confidence in me despite my self-doubt. Answered prayers humble and remind me that He believes in me more than I believe in myself.
  • Building this blog site from scratch made me realize that I really can succeed at doing something I don’t fully understand.
  • Receiving writing assignments from major publications is like receiving a birthday gift on an ordinary day. Unexpected favor just because He loves me.
  • Having a professional photographer shoot just me when I am usually the one behind the lens is a lesson in borrowing freedom and lending trust.

As I enter into this new season and the challenges of firsts, I am even more acutely aware of the way God redeems our lives to reveal His beauty. I hope you will join me here to share your own stories of redemption.

What are some of the firsts revealing His grace in your life?

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  1. You have such a wonderful way with words. I will always look forward
    to reading your post.

  2. Monica Lee

    HI Shelly! I didn’t know you where a blogger (so am I!) I will have to add you to blog reading list!

  3. Love your new blog! My recent.. Through worry and doubt He still was and is faithful as he sold our home in perfect timing…..

    • Redemption's Beauty

      Thanks Kim! Congrats on the sale of your house, what a blessing. So excited to have you in Pawleys.

  4. Hello from Phoenix! Shelly, love your new blog. You have an amazing way of writing and your pics are a great way to post your full emotion. Looing forward to reading your next blog! Women are warriors. Thank you! Terri Ann Domenzain

  5. Shelly,
    First…? Well, you are the first friend I write when I am too heart-broken to speak, the first friend I call when my world begins to quake and the first friend I go to when I want refreshing. I thank our loving Lord for you.
    Your Friend,

    • Redemption's Beauty

      Wow Lu, thank you so much! I love you too and thank God for the gift of your abiding friendship.

  6. So glad you have decided to share your hearts with the blogosphere. PS I felt the summer breeze, and longed to be on vacation because of your lovely words…

    • Redemption's Beauty

      Kd, Thank you so much for your encouragement. Sometimes, like we all do, I question what I am doing here but I know deep down in my soul that He is leading me to this place. So glad I have arrived here to find friends like you that I would have never known otherwise!

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