How Wrong Perceptions Can Be Costly

by | Feb 4, 2015 | Encouragement, Lent


I made an out-of-the-ordinary decision this week that ended up being costly.

Ticking off our small grocery list, H and I amble passed lemons, apples and an end cap of basil plants. I recall the minimal items left in my pantry after cleaning it out over the weekend. A jar of capers, a cup of Bisquick in a box, a few bags of rice and containers of bread crumbs. Being a good steward of what we have left during this season of transition to London is a challenge fueling creative cooking lately.

Across from the potatoes, the price of sausage captures my attention and H continues sauntering down the bread aisle. Four dollars less than usual for a pound of sausage but it’s a brand that’s unfamiliar.

This is how I can use up that remaining Bisquick and still save money, I think. I can make a recipe for my son, one of his favorites. I collect two packages and lay them in the cart.

Later that evening, as we sit down to dinner, Harrison remarks, “Where are the sausage balls? I thought we were going to have them for dinner.”

Taking the lid off the bowl, I reveal the riches steaming underneath.  Leaning down for a closer look behind hipster glasses, he makes a verbal assessment, “They look different than usual.”

I admit, they do look different but I’m hoping they taste the same.

A few bites later, the whole bowl ends up in the trash. My son woke up in the middle of the night, certain his stomach was telling him he had food poisoning.  H admitted his insides were unsettled most of the night.

In an effort to save money and be resourceful with what is left, I chose poor quality and it made my family sick. I am mostly sick with regret when I look back.

Wrong perceptions in the moment can be costly for long-term perspective. This is one of the greatest lessons I’m learning while we wait to move to London.

My gut told me that price cut was suspect but I chose not to listen to that familiar inner voice and the consequences were costly.

I have made the same assessments when it comes to lack of movement in our preferred timeline to London, perceiving the quiet and slowness as a sign that God changed His mind about our calling. I have experienced heart-sickness often over these past few months due to my wrong perceptions.

How are your daily perceptions affecting -term projections?


When Margaret Feinberg asked me to join her again this year for the Lent Challenge,  I was honored. But the unknowns in my current season of transition came to the forefront of factors influencing my decision.  I wanted to join the challenge knowing I might have to cheat on the reading plan.

But if I have that mindset going into Lent, I am cheating myself from God’s intended blessing in the discipline. Instead of trusting God with my time and the landscape of my heart, I am trusting in my circumstances to dictate outcomes in the future.

So, I said yes to Margaret. I am joining the Lent Challenge and reading the Gospels through Lent. I would love for you to join us. Did you know Lent starts February 18? I know, wasn’t Christmas last week?

I don’t want perception in the moment to dictate long-term impact. I can’t think of a better way to surrender all my perceptions than to meditate on the words of Jesus in the Gospels daily.

This is a choice I know I won’t regret. God’s big perspective is what I need more than anything in life. You?

During the 40 Days of Lent, I’ll be publishing stories here once a week, inspired by the scriptures from our reading plan. I’ll check in with those of you who join us on my Redemptions Beauty Book Club page once a week, for conversation and accountability. If you aren’t already a member there, just request to be added to the group. Find out more about Margaret’s Lent Challenge and download a reading plan or the YouVersion reading guide. I look forward to doing this with you!



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